Authentic Materials: Vienna and public transport


A worksheet based on an article about the Vienna authorities that reward their residents for using public transport.

What is included?

  • warm-up: discussion topics
  • article based on authentic materials about a new initiative in Vienna. the most important phrases have been translatedinto English
  • exercise – pairing words and creating phrases
  • practising „znany z
  • practising iść, chodzić, jechać, jeździć
  • a2 topics for discussion
  • b1-b2 topics for discussion
  • answer key

Grammar exercises involve the use of the genitive and the verb forms of iść / chodzić / jechać / jeździć.

The worksheet also includes topics for discussion.



A worksheet based on an article about the Vienna authorities that reward their residents for using public transport.

Grammar exercises involve the use of the genitive and the verb forms of iść / chodzić / jechać / jeździć.

The worksheet also includes topics for discussion.